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Area of Interest: Somalia, Puntland
Mudung Region villages: Roox, Farda-cune, Tarracaso and Godad
Nugal Region villages: Xamur, Ciin, Bocamo, Godob-jiraan

General objective:
Mitigate the negative impact of climate change through the requalification of the agricultural sector in arid territories.

Phase 4: 2019 Mission in Somalia – verification of the situation and collection of needs for subsequent actions
Phase 3: 2014 Mission to Somalia – training, completion of works and sowing
Phase 2: 2013 Mission to Somalia – realization
Phase 1: 2012 Mission to Somalia – definition of the project and partners

Fishery and Marine School


Area of Interest: Somalia, Puntland
Bari Region, Bandar Siyada village – Qaw (Bosaso)
General objective:
Support the development of the fishing sector as a means of combating food insecurity, through the introduction of modern and sustainable techniques that protect marine biodiversity.

Phase 5: 2020/.. creation of the conditions to make the school operational and sustainable
Phase 4:
2019 Mission to Somalia – inauguration
Phase 3: 2017/18 Mission in Somalia – construction of the structure
Phase 2:
2016/19 – start of the first school cycle
Phase 1: 2014/15 Mission to Somalia – definition of the project and partners

Media Against Covid-19


Area of Interest: Somalia, Puntland
General objective:
Promote the awareness of the population in adopting the resilient response to Covid-19 infection for the prevention and management of emergencies.

Phase 2: 2020/June/September – on-site implementation and information campaign
Phase 1: 2020/June data and informations processing

Homes for a better life


Area of Interest: Ethiopia, Oromia, West Arsi and Bale districts (Kofele, Dodola, Adaba, Robe, Goba, Delomena)
General objective:
Reduction of poverty and social and housing exclusion in some Oromo locations.

Phase 4: 2019 delivery of housing
Phase 3: construction or renovation of homes
Phase 2:
support to families for the request to the municipal authorities for the allocation of plots of land for new homes
Phase 1: 2017/2018 identification of the beneficiary families