Perigeo identifies itself both at a strategic overlook level and territorial operating arm. The organization sets itself the goal to transform in concrete actions the opportunities offered by the post-crisis moments, through the valorization of the local resilience factors, in order to redesign a totally sustainable development, together with the communities involved. It is a unique experience that redefines the international cooperation activities as tools of cultural diplomacy with the aim of reducing conflicts and the peace building process
WHAT: decrease of conflicts and peace building
WHO: Local communities and Institutions
WHERE: Crisis and post-conflict areas
WHEN: emergency and reconstruction
WHY: international cooperation as an instrument of cultural diplomacy
HOW: local resilience factors aimed at a totally sustainable development


We work closely with the local communities, who represent our real employers.Together with them we create, plan and carry out our projects through a community based participatory approach, that is our true hallmark.
Perigeo works closely with all the Institutions both of the countries where we realize the projects and the international ones.
Perigeo is aware of the importance and strenght of the international community to build bridges for cooperation and peace building.
We have been experiencing through the years the added value that everyone brings to a group aimed at the same purpose, that is why it is an essential starting point for us to reach our goals.


LEGAL ADDRESS – Via Mario Pagano, 67 – 20145 Milano (MI) IT
MAIN OFFICE – Viale Forlanini, 20 – 20024 Garbagnate Milanese (MI) IT
C.F. 92014950437